Work + Wellbeing

Welcome to JLDS. Experts in Wellbeing, Engagement, Culture and Change.

Who am I, why Wellbeing?

Hi. I’m Juliet Love (the JL in JLDS) and have worked in Organisational & Learning Development over the past 25 years.

After working with many different businesses and people over that time, I am now focussing my attention towards my real passion; helping organisations drive a culture where wellbeing is truly embedded and at its heart.

No matter what type of sector or business I’m working in, I always see the same thread.

When people are working in a culture which supports them to deal with change, their engagement in the organisation’s purpose is inherent. And positive wellbeing follows as a natural, happy consequence.

Research tells us time and time again that if we feel our work is contributing towards a higher purpose, we feel good about it.

During the pandemic I, like a lot of us, have had time to reflect, refuel and refresh, focusing on my own wellbeing, as well as being there for my clients, family and friends to help them with theirs.

One of my biggest observations during this time, has been that while there appears to be more discussion about wellbeing and mental illness, there are still challenges around getting the wellbeing conversation started seriously in business.

So, how can we make it ‘ok to not to be ok’ at work?

It’s great that more and more companies are investing in Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), financial support, are training MHFA (Mental Health First Aiders) and even inviting expert wellbeing speakers into the organisation.

However, these things are often a quick, sticking plaster over a larger, usually long term, problem.

I passionately believe that in order to truly embed wellbeing, everyone in the organisation must feel ‘psychologically safe’. This means that they are able to show their whole self without any negative consequence.

Research show us that when employees feel ‘psychologically safe’ they increase their business risk taking, innovation and creative thinking. With all this knowledge, wellbeing should not be viewed as an ‘HR initiative’. Everyone in the business must own it, with leaders role modelling actions for their people.

So if you’re serious about your own wellbeing or that of your people, get in touch with me to start on your journey towards better Engagement, Culture and Change in your organisation.