
Why is engagement important?

Engagement – pride in purpose

The statistics around business engagement speak for themselves…

Employee engagement increases productivity in the workplace.

Engaged employees outperform their peers that are not engaged. Overall, companies with high employee engagement are 21% more profitable.

Employee engagement improves morale in the workplace.

Employee engagement reduces absenteeism. A Gallup study shows that highly engaged workplaces saw 41% lower absenteeism.

Engaged employees provide better customer service.

So why do organisations still find they have low engagement levels? Or even worse – don’t know how engaged their people are?

What JLDS can do?

  • Engagement strategy – working with you to create a plan of action and some measurable goals to work towards
  • Understanding how engaged people are – via focus groups and research, working with you and your business tools as well as adding some new ones into the mix
  • Understand how well your leaders are engaging with their people – identifying and developing plans for engagement influencers and strategies to win over detractors
  • Align your business strategy to department and individual activity – driving a sense of purpose and understanding from your employee, connecting their job role to the company overall


“Juliet is an authentic leader. I worked with her for two years as part of our overall Employee Engagement strategy that includes diversity and inclusion, recognition, and CSR. Juliet quickly assessed, recommended, and executed what was needed to support the International Engagement Champions. Juliet examined the needs through the lens of leadership and what was needed to mobilize and engage the leaders so they could execute in their regional and business areas. Her style is inclusive and collaborative, and we would not have been as successful in one short year without her leadership and guidance. Any team or organization would be fortunate to have a person who understands how to connect the dots and engage others across employee experience.”

Director Employee Engagement + Inclusion, Global Software Organisation